- Please note that Exhibitor badges are strictly for stand personnel only – they must not be issued to your clients and show visitors.
- All exhibitors and stand staff are required to wear Exhibitor Badges to gain access to the hall during the open period.
- Exhibitors may also wear their Exhibitor Badges during buildup and breakdown to access the hall – you do not need to order separate Contractor Passes.
- If staff are only attending to set up your stand, you should order Contractor Passes for them.
- If you have ambassadors speaking on our event stages and theatres, they will be issued with speaker badges and will not be included in the above allocation.
- You can register for your passes via the exhibitor portal.
- If you require additional quantities for bonafide reasons, these may be requested. Please email eve.mulvaney@futurenet.com with a summary of your requirements.
- Passes will be posted in advance but can also be collected on-site.
The number of passes each exhibiting company is given is determined by their stand size and allocations are as below. Please also note that if you have different staff working on different days, additional passes can be obtained on-site by exchanging the old passes for new ones at the Exhibitor Badge Desk in the main entrance.
Allocations are as follows:
- 0 - 6 m2: 4 badges
- 7 - 12 m2: 5 badges
- 13 - 24 m2: 10 badges
- 25-30 m2: 12 badges
- 31 - 50 m2: 15 badges