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The Beauty Show

Kookoo Wellness

Stand: E42
  • | Food, Nutrition & Supplements
Kookoo Wellness

We are Kookoo. We get it!  Life is wild and now you have to navigate hormonal hurricanes too. Luckily, our Kookoo MenoMocktail® is crafted with all your Kookoo moments in mind! 

Our powerful powdered blend of premium adaptogens, vitamins, minerals, and nootropics is designed to tackle mood swings, brain fog, tiredness, and make your day-to-day a little more manageable. With a delightful fruity essence of red fruits and a hint of lemon, it offers two convenient solutions:

“Slow & Steady” MenoMocktail®

1tsp mixed with 300-500ml of water

“Hard & Fast” MenoShot

1tsp mixed with just 100ml of water.

Each ingredient plays a crucial role in making you feel more energised, balanced and  f*cking fabulous of course!

Let's change this mid-life sh*t show, together! 



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